Recently spun from Jinjiang in standard testing, Ltd. (Hercynian Jinjiang Textile Industrial Technology Research Institute of New Materials Testing Center) has learned that since the start of the European Chemicals Agency EU market biocide (BPR) were later forced to unified management, BPR regulations have been updated recently. According to the new regulations, the EU will integrate the product on the market and the rules of biocide, technical trade measures to rebuild the system EU biocide products. This will be another one affecting the textile products export shoes, dozens of major trade barriers.
Shaw spinning top mark detection Ltd. Jinjiang laboratory director, told reporters that the EU biocidal products Regulation (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR, Biocidal Products Regulation) content updates for biocide treatment of textiles, clothing, furniture , footwear, leather, kitchen products, toys, lamps, plastic, rubber, paint, mechanical and electrical products and other products made dozens of new requirements.
According to reports, the new content approved hexanediol copper, 5-methoprene, caprylic acid, capric acid, iodine and Zineb these six kinds can be used for active substances and biocidal products, their corresponding purposes; and to clothianidin, cyfluthrin, diflubenzuron, double morpholino methane and other six kinds of substances as active substances biocide alternative candidate launched a public consultation; released the latest biocide regulations FAQ list.
"After a biocide treated dozens of textile products such as shoes export enterprises will be subject to a wide range of trade barriers and regulations will affect .BPR 'biocide treatment items' inclusion regulations control range, which for many industries, such as textiles , furniture, ceramics and other products exports to the EU companies have a major impact. "Shaw said top to the textile industry, for example, as long as directly or indirectly provides antimicrobial preservative function textiles to the EU market, we need to pass in the supply chain more than before more product information, to perform its strict labeling system.
Top Shaw told reporters that the new content updates easily trigger a chain reaction. "The EU, as one of the most developed economies in the world, its chemicals are very strict regulations and supervision, a global leading role in other countries and regions vulnerable to response and emulate not only developed countries, developing countries are also being modeled to establish their own chemicals regulatory mechanism. Once BPR widely followed by national laws and regulations, will bring greater impact nationwide biocides and export processed goods. " p>
Top Shaw said that as the butt of national and EU regulations on the remaining differences in the larger, more attention should be causing companies. At present, the monitoring of biocide product is no unified supervision and regulations, and certain types of preservatives and antimicrobial agents biocides in regulation even in a blank stage, without any administrative licensing procedures can be arbitrary use, and these products meet the cost of the EU or of the ten million yuan.
"Despite the current regulations take effect from the transition there is a certain grace period, but the European Chemicals Agency on regulation of biocides market sustained release of new trends, means the legislation entered the final stage of alert. Currently many companies are frequently received EU importers to understand the regulations about whether the inquiry investigation. "Therefore, enterprises should remind Shaw top maintain high vigilance and forward-thinking, whether biocide products specifically involved in the production of regulations included in the scope of control, biocides seek cooperation with a raw material supplier qualification within the industry chain and industry. In addition, he proposed conditional production enterprises should combine their own situation, and actively apply for authorization needed to understand the data and complex procedures, making compliance dossier, pay close attention during the transition period to apply for authorization to the European Union, according to EU rules make compliance the label logo.
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