2-(Decylthio)ethanamine hydrochloride(DTEA.HCl) is one of the few, genuinely new biodispersant to enter the market in recent years. DTEA was designed to operate effectively under a wide range of pH levels (pH 6 to10 or greater), but especially for the higher pH's now common with "All Organic" and similar, high alkalinity tolerant inhibitor programs.
It was also designed as a specific sessile bactericide, biofilm remover and biofilm growth control agent. DTEA functions by forming reversible chelant complexes with the salts and inorganic ions found in biofilm structures, which severely weakens the biofilm and reduces its adhesiveness. DTEA are highly surface active and can be thought of as a "biocidal soap" to be used for clean-up programs (biofilm debris will quickly be in evidence and foaming may occur), as a biocide component with chlorine (although it is not recommended to be used at the same time as chlorine) and as a maintenance biostat.
Application rates are typically 50 to 100 mg/L. It is consumed and decays rapidly in heavily fouled systems (typically in 3 to 4 hours), consequently, it is recommended to slowly add the complete dose over a four hour period
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